Saturday, May 24, 2014

Gardening - Overall Clean-up around Property

Aftermath of weeds in other debris removed in lawn area. This effort included leveling the dirt after weed removal.

Big Thanks to my good friends Doug Fry and Chris Rosset (Pro Musician/Bass Player from SF), who made this happen!

Doug is a longtime resident of Santa Cruz and loves Gardening. He has participated in many Homeless Garden Projects (HGP). Surprised Doug did not have his HGP t-shirt on that day.

Keeping Doug well hydrated with IPA's while he worked hard with his Mattock (axe) and Rake. He gives us his approval gardening project is on course!

The Front-Side Parking area clean-up. Doug spent 2hrs digging up tall weeds and cleaning buried cat pooh. Poor guy, but never gives up, a true sign of a doer and follow-thru humble dude!

We ran out of Yard Waste bin space and had to use a large tarp to hold until City of Mountain View Recology could pickup on our 2-week cycle. Merle, my front house neighbor and I finished it up, good team work and great neighbor to have.

Other areas I addressed which were fire hazards were de-leafing the sides of the storage sheds.



(Photo to be uploaded shortly)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Carport Canopy Purchase and Install

Due to large over-hanging trees, as high as 50ft or more, shedding leaves and dried-up branches, it was critical to purchase and install the Shelter Logic Canopy.

My 2000 Tacoma has been well maintained for over 14yrs and several hood and a recent roof paint job from a factory outfit Penskee, costing $1000. My insurance (Wawanesa) had covered this back in San Diego just prior to me moving here to Mountain View in February 2014.

This Canopy has saved truck from dents and paint damage. I am one who takes care of his equipment and there is no exception!

The Canopy costs $200 plus $145 to ship the rascal from Connecticut. The box with all gear weighs 200Lbs. Still, well worth it!

Assembled Solo, with some minor support from Merle my Neighbor. Started with roof frame, tarp bungee'd on, then the feet.

Complete, A Happy Truck!